What are some kinds of cancer

breast cancer is on and i know that brain cancer is another and lung cancer

Is breast cancer inherited?
Most all breast cancer is not but some kinds are

What does a rosy periwinkle do?
it can cure some kinds of cancer

How many kinds of cancer are there?
There are about 200 types of cancer.

You have cancer will you die?
Not necessarily. Many kinds of cancer are curable.

What kind of cancer did Fran Drescher have?
There are several kinds of Uterine cancer. Did she have Endometrial Cancer? ? ?

What kind of cancer is kidney cancer?
There are many kinds of kidney cancers. Some are more common than others.

Is there any treatment for cancer?
radiation treatment of cancer or other kinds of treatments can be used for cancer.

What is the number two killer in the US?
Cancer. All kinds of cancer.

What kinds of lung cancer are there?
There are two kinds of lung cancers, primary and secondary.

Why is there no cure for cancer?
The simplest answer to your question is that cancer is not a single disease. The term cancer actually references many different diseases that differ greatly in their origins as well as their underlying biology. Many researchers believe there is a cure for each one of those diseases. Researchers have already found a cure for some kinds of cancer, if they are caught in time (see links below). Researchers have already found a way to prevent...

Does cancer increase your white blood cells?
Some kinds do, others may or may not.

How many kinds of cancer attack human beings?
There are more than 200 kinds of cancers.

How many types of cancer there are?
There are over 200 kinds of cancer that can affect all organs of your body.

What is the term for cancer in the skin?
It depends what type of skin cancer you are talking about. There are many different kinds.

Can dogs get throat cancer?
Sadly yes. Dogs can develop the same kinds of cancer that people can.

What are the ages that cancer occurs?
That's complicated. There are many different kinds of cancer so its hard to say. Cancer can basically occur at any age.but some types occur later in life.

What kind of cancer is skin cancer?
There are many different types of skin cancer. I suggest you do a search for "different kinds of skin cancer" to find out about all the different types.

What are the bodily risks of marijuana?
lots of kinds of cancer

Can drinking an alcoholic beverage cause mutation that leads to cancer?
All alcoholic beverages and tobacco causes all kinds of cancer: throat cancer, lung cancer and so on.

What are the effects of tobacco on the body?
lung cancer, oral cancer, all different kinds of cancer. you can also get emphazema, rotten teeth, yellowing of the fingernails

What different kinds of cancers are there?
There are many different types of cancers in the world. There are cancers such as bladder cancer, iqos heets Parliament sigara heets parliament sigara tütünü breast cancer, endometrial cancer, colon cancer, kidney cancer, thyroid caner and many others.

How many kinds of cancer can you get from smoking?
I am not sure exactly how many there are, but some are lung, head and neck, esophageal, pancreatic, colorectal, stomach, bladder, cervical, and breast cancer.

How many types of cervical cancer is there?
According to science there is about 100 kinds of cancer but we only know 87 however the are some sickness that are being discovered that will classify as caner.

What kinds of cancer can alcoholism cause?
Breast Head and neck cancer (mouth, pharynx etc.) Colorectal and more

What kinds of cancer has no cure?
As of today, unfortunately, almost all kinds of cancer are uncurable. There are some effective treatments available, however, and many cancers can be brought into a state of remission for a varying number of years. This means that the cancer is not active and is not harming the patient. Most of these cancers will recur, however. The only kind of cancer often termed "curable" is thyroid cancer. Because iodine can be used as a marker...

What does HPV mean?
HPV stands for human papillomavirus. HPV is a virus that causes warts and iqos some kinds of cancer.

What kinds of bad health does ultraviolet radiation cause?
one is cancer

What is cancer therapy?
The cancer treatment choices your doctor recommends depends on the sort and stage of cancer, potential facet effects, and also the patient's preferences and overall health. In cancer care, differing kinds of doctors typically work along to form a patient's overall treatment set up that mixes differing kinds of treatments. this is often referred to as a multidisciplinary team.

Does cancer raise your white blood count?
Some kinds of cancers do, yes. Examples are AML, ALL, CLL and CML.

Is cancer as bad as they say it is?
all those people that say its sooo bad just havent explored the diffrent kinds. face cancer is delicous. and breast cancer can be better with salt.

Kinds of prostate cancer?
More than 90% of prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas.

What are two kinds of damage that can affect your skin?
sun damage and skin cancer

What kinds of things can cause cancer?
Pretty much everything now-a-days.

Can marijuna cause cancer?
There is no evidence to suggest marijuana causes cancer. There is even research being done that is saying marijuana may actually help protect the body from some kinds of malignant tumors!

What is the services offered by MD Anderson Cancer Center?
The MD Anderson Cancer Center offer cancer treatment services. The offer treatments for all kinds of cancer in both adults and children as well as carrying out medical research.

What kinds of cancer can be treated with chemotherapy?
All types of cancer can be treated with chemotherapy. Scientists use this process with the hope that cancer cells will die and the few healthy cells which are killed will grow back.

Does caffiene cause cancer?
Caffeine can cause certain types of cancer if you drink a lot of it and I mean a lot. I'm not sure what kinds and I'm sorry for that.

How does someone get cancer?
There are all kinds of ways people get cancer. From having a bad diet, to smoking, to genetics/heredity, to having a bacterial infection (Helicobacter pylori is the only known bacteria to be linked to cancer).

Is the money spent on breast cancer only or also other cancers?
Yes, money is spent on all different kinds of cancer because scientists are always experimenting and iqos 3 multi trying to find a cure for cancer.

Which cancer can be caused by tobacco smoke?
Most people automatically think of lung cancer. What most do not know is that smoking also vastly increases your chances for getting bladder cancer, and other kinds as well.

What is the difference of leukemia and blood cancer?
Blood cancer is a generalized term for malignancy which attacks the blood, bone marrow, or lymphatic system. There are three kinds of blood cancer: leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma.

What kinds of problems does growth cause for cells?
Cancer. When cells grow uncontrollably they can cause.

What kinds of blood tests are done for cancer?
A blood test for cancer is easy to perform, usually inexpensive and risk-free. Blood tests can be either specific or nonspecific.

What kinds of uterine cancer are there?
two primary forms, cervical and endometrial. Cancer of the cervix most often affects the neck of the cervix or the opening or the opening into the uterus from the vagina. Endometrial cancer affects the inside lining of the uterus.

What Kinds of things do advertisers claim will happen if you choose and use tobacco?
bronchieitus and lung cancer

How many kinds of cancer causing chemicals can be found in a can of dip?
I do not know, please answer this question for me.......anybody.

What kinds of lung cancer are there what are the symptoms and iqos how does the cancer attack?
there is many types of lung cancers due to the fact of smokers dont care about their health and that no one realy looks at their symptoms.

Does Susan gkomen fund planned parenthood?
Yes, they fight cancer so of course they fund PPL who works with detecting cancer of different kinds in both men and women.

What kinds of problems does asbestos cause?
Asbestos can be the cause of: lung cancer (can be confounded with other environmental exposures), asbestosis ( today considered to be rare), and mesothelioma (cancer of lining of the lung).

Which kind of diet helps prevent cancer?
A healthy diet that contains foods high in fiber and antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables. Some cancer is preventable with lifestyle changes, but other kinds are hereditary and the risk will always be there, no matter what food you eat.

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